Monday, June 28, 2010

Third Friday of the Third Week of Doom

Hey you guys~ So last Friday's lecture in Creative Studies, we were lectured on Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention. We were shown photos of either innovative or creative ( I don't seem to see the difference between those two words sorry) inventions. Furthermore, we learnt about the big "C" and the Small "c'. Big "C" means an idea that contributes to the changes in aspects in the community whereas the small "c" is more towards the personal side/individual. Besides that, we were shown pictures of previous creations by well-known inventors like  Johannes Gutenberg (first printing press) and Leonardo Da Vinci and innovators like the Wright Brothers (the aeroplane). Below is one of the images shown in class.

Innovative, ain't it not?
One of the innovative designs of a plane.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Second Friday of the Second Week of Doom

Today, we had another lecture on "Defining Creativity" and we watched a few videos related to the topic lectured on. Mr. Mus spoke about the myths on what creativity actually is, for example:
1. Only special talented people are creative.

2. Being creative is hard.
3. Problems are in our life to make it more difficult.
4. I am not creative.
5. Innovation is the domain of geniuses.
6. I have to have brand new ideas in order for me to be considered creative.
7. Brainstorming is hard work.
8. Only artists need to be creative.
9. Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative.

I have to say that these myths are stereotypical. Not that I'm saying they are entirely fake, but very stereotypical. I mean, there is no such thing as creativity belongs to only creative workers. Everyone is creative their own way. Be it architects, journalists, news reporter, chefs and the list goes on.

Anyway, after the lecture, we watched a video on a talk given by Sir Ken Robinson. He explains why school kills off creativity.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Maryah Rahmat

This is the drawing I drew of my coursemate, Maryah Rahmat :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nothin' On You

This music video for the song title "Nothin On You" by B.O.B. featuring Bruno Mars is very uniique. They used a torn-paper-like concept to form the women's faces this video. What do you think?

First Friday of the First Week of Doom

Feeling slightly groggy when I entered my first Creative Studies class, the class begin to fill up. Then entered three lecturers, namely Sau Bin, Radzi Bedu and Mustafa. I miss all three of them! Anyway, Sau Bin started the class with a lecture on " What is Creativity". It was a really long lecture, which is not that unusual when it comes to Sau Bin. He's awesome that way. Anyway, the lecture was really interesting cos it actually made everything easier to understand. Everything made sense on how one see something or how one creates something. Sau Bin gave us a few pictures and asked us what do we see. There many different points of views from everyone in class. Even Sau Bin gave a few views of his based on the pictures shown. After the lecture, Assignment One was briefed on. So....


What can you see in this picture?