Its already the 6th week into Beta first Trimester. WOW! Anyway, the lecture was delivered but Mr. Mus. I was so freaking sleepy in class I couldn't pay attention to him. So sorry, sir >_< so, that day's lecture was about juxtaposition. So, what is juxtaposition? Based on the lecture notes,
"Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa."
So, from what I understand is that one is able to combine two very different ideas into an idea acceptable to others. Here's another definition given in the lecture:
"JUXTAPOSITION: The arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development."
I think from the lecture, I kinda understand how it works. Mus gave some examples and more sentences which kinda made us sleepy but I guess its interesting how he interpreted Lost from the aspects of juxtaposition. He actually analysed NEARLY every episode of Lost. I haven't even read his interpretations yet. Will read it asap, sir.