Friday, July 30, 2010

Mortar & Pestle

"A MAN is like a set of mortar and pestle. Just as the mortar and pestle are used to pound and grind herbs because of their hard nature by their owner, so are men. Men who takes on their responsibility as a father, brother or a friend, is just like a mortar and pestle. Responsible dads work their asses off to put food on the table, loving brothers tries to keep their lil ones from trouble and put the blame on themselves, friends stay true to their friends."
Charmaine Lau

Mortar & pestle: Man
Owner of the mortar & pestle: Responsibility

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"Pain is like eating ice cream. At first, it seems harmless but then as you eat it, the coldness of the ice cream gives you pain in your gums. But as times passes, the pain slowly numbs you and then it dissappears. Soon, you slowly get used to the pain, you no longer feel it. Pain is like eating ice cream, because it hurts you but then, you slowly grow numb to it as it begins to heal slowly. And when you feel pain again, it doesn't hurt as bad as the first time, for you've experienced it before, and you know how to deal with it."
Charmaine Lau

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I choose to share this video because of the claymation used to produced this simple story of a young penguin and his daily life. Even though its a simple story but its really creative how they produced it. It managed to attract viewers, including me. I used to watch it during my childhood and I still love it very much. So, enjoy :)


"Life is like a lighted oil lamp. The fire continues to burn as long there is oil, and it provides light to those who need it, till it eventually dies out. Same goes for life. Each of us have been given a purpose while we continue to exist here on earth. So, we should do our part and contribute in any way we can before our time ends, even if it is small." 
Charmaine Lau

Monday, July 26, 2010


Source Google
"Love is like a red chili. The seeds inside it makes it spicy and burns your tongue. It burns so badly you'll cry and your nose waters. But its spiciness is addictive and satisfying. You'll want to eat it again." Charmaine Lau

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Message Delivered

This short advertisement by the late Yasmin Ahmad has got to be one of my favourite, most touching, most creative video for me. Enjoy :) I've accepted and understand your message, dear Yasmin.


Seventh Friday of the Seventh Week of Doom: I Shall Make You A Unit

Yesterday, we had an exercise in class regarding juxtaposition. Radzi guide us through the exercise and I ended up with three topics to juxtapose on. So, here are the three juxtaposes I came up with for each topic.

 I decided to draw the lightning in the wind motion to give it the windy feel. Can you feel it?

This is my version of a FlowerSpider. I made its face a flower with its stema dn leaf and  the original spider body. Creepy or adorable?

I made the falling leaves as water droplets to portray water.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Juxtaposition What?

Source Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

Source: Google

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sixth Friday of the Sixth Week of Doom

Its already the 6th week into Beta first Trimester. WOW! Anyway, the lecture was delivered but Mr. Mus. I was so freaking sleepy in class I couldn't pay attention to him. So sorry, sir >_< so, that day's lecture was about juxtaposition. So, what is juxtaposition? Based on the lecture notes,

"Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa."

So, from what I understand is that one is able to combine two very different ideas into an idea acceptable to others. Here's another definition given in the lecture:

"JUXTAPOSITION: The arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development."

I think from the lecture, I kinda understand how it works. Mus gave some examples and more sentences which kinda made us sleepy but I guess its interesting how he interpreted Lost from the aspects of juxtaposition. He actually analysed NEARLY every episode of Lost. I haven't even read his interpretations yet. Will read it asap, sir.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Can You Get What I Associated?

This is my associated mind-map based on the object mortar and pestle. 

Do you get it?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fifth Friday of the Fifth Week of Doom

Last week in class, Radzi gave a really short lecture on associated mind-mapping. He showed us an image of a set of mortar and pestle and ask us to create an associated mind-map on it. He showed us examples and we had to pick five topics from it and built from there. Unfortunately, the mind-map that I drew is not with me right now so I'll be posting it like real soon so wait for it yea! Anyway, Radzi gave us about 30 minutes to do the mind-map thingy. After that, he made some of us stand up and speak out the ideas we'e comed up with on how can we use a mortar and pestle in 20 years' time. WE HAD LOADS OF LAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fellow coursemates came up with so many creative but weird ideas hahahahaha! But somehow I can't seem to recall what they were though. Oh well.

Monday, July 12, 2010


kidchan, who is a former student at One Academy in Subang Jaya, is one of my favourite illustrator. Her artwork inspired to do illustration, which somehow I'm not currently doing. Instead, I'm doing Film and Animation, Oh well. Anyway, back to the topic. Below are some of her artworks. Enjoy~

To check her out, you can go to her deviantart page~

Friday, July 9, 2010

You can't Find Anyone Like Me

This is the digital mind map of meself :D had loads of fun I guess writing and designing that simple thing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth Friday of the Fourth Week of Doom

During the fourth lecture, Mr. Sau Bin came in with a long border thingy, which looked like it would be used to whack someone. Well, to sum it up, he manage to get the class going with that wobbly thing in his hand. He tried to lock the door with it, used it as some kung fu weapon, scare latecomers away, you name it. Very active guy, that lecturer of mine. So, anyway, he lectured on divergence and convergence of ideas and creativity. How one starts with loads of ideas or in this case is called diverging, and then converges or you may say narrow down to the best choices before finalizing the idea. There's nothing much to say though besides Sau Bin's crazy, funny antics up in front. So yea, convergence and divergence.